Assistant Manager Trainee
올림퍼스 스파 Assistant Manager Trainee를 모십니다.
올림퍼스 스파 타코마 지점에서 함께 일하실 Assistant Manager Trainee 를 모십니다.
Job Description/Responsibilities
Handle business operation
Develop new services and research new products
Perform all other duties assigned or delegated by upper management
Must be legally authorized to work in the U.S. without sponsorship
Must be able to work on nights, weekends, and holidays
Bilingual: Fluent in English and Korean
5+ years customer service and 3+ years management experience(Manager Position)
3+ years customer service (Assistant Manager Position)
Medical after 3 months of employment
Off on Sundays
Free Spa( Facility)
Olympus Spa, Inc. (Lakewood Main Office)
Sunnie O'Brien
댓글 0
게시판 이용안내
게시판 용도와 맞지 않는 비방, 욕설이 포함된 글은 저희 사이트의 운영 방침에 따라 작성자의 의견없이 삭제 될수 있음을 미리 알려드립니다.