APPLE macbook, pro
Kpop lovers, students preparing for schoolwork, seniors in education and computer use etc!
Nate is a computer analyst who refurbishes Apple products. We met on cL and he sold me a 2012 MacBook Pro for 250 solid cash. He had installed a brand new battery and upgraded at his expense my MacBook to OS Catalina.
The computer itself processes like lightening, I am so enthused!
Feel free to build a Mac with Nate.
206 712 2015
11/10/23 @12:19 pm
댓글 0
게시판 이용안내
게시판 용도와 맞지 않는 비방, 욕설이 포함된 글은 저희 사이트의 운영 방침에 따라 작성자의 의견없이 삭제 될수 있음을 미리 알려드립니다.