Terms and Conditions of KCR MEDIA GROUP, INC. Advertising Agreement
This agreement is entered on above stipulated date by and between KCR Media Group, INC. hereafter called “Publisher”, and the above named advertiser, hereafter called “Advertiser”.
*KCR Media Group, INC 에서 제작한 디자인은 사전 동의 없이 사용할 수 없으며, 디자인에 대한 모든 소유권은 KCR Media Group, INC 에 있습니다.
- All advertising is subject to Publisher’s approval. Publisher reserves the rights to reject any advertisement containing unlawful or harmful messages, as determined in Publisher’s sole discretion.
- This agreement cannot be invalidated or canceled by Advertiser for incorrect insertions or omissions by Publisher.
- Publisher shall not be responsible for typographical errors. It is the advertiser’s responsibility to check for correctness of their ad. Advertiser shall notify us of such error in time for correction before the second insertion.
- Advertiser has the whole responsibility for all contents in its advertising and shall and keep Publisher harmless from any and all dams, demands and liability thereon.
- All advertising agreement discounts will be retroactively forfeited if this agreement is canceled.
- Publisher reserves the right to cancel this agreement at any time without notice if Advertiser fails to pay any bill within forty-five(45) days of submission thereof commits any other breach of this commitment.
- Publisher’s liability for errors shall be limited to the cost of advertising space only and it shall be used only as a credit.
- This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties, and no verbal agreements or representations changing or supplementing in any manner the Terms and Conditions here of shall be deemed effective.
- This agreement shall be governed by the law of Washington. Any dispute arising under this agreement may be resolved either in court, or arbitration at Publisher’s discretion.
- Any advertisement created by the Publisher is owned by KCR Media Group, INC and you may be liable for any use without the Publisher’s consent.
Position Request / Guaranteed Position Charge
We do our best to accommodate section requests. We cannot guarantee that ads of a competitive nature will always be separated. All ads will be rotating in regular sequence.
For an additional 25% charge of the total cost of the ad, we will guarantee the page where an ad will appear, but not the position on the page. Guarantee applies only if the page is available for advertising.
Ad Cancellation and Late Ad Fee
Ads cancelled after deadline will be charged a late pull fee of 25% of the total cost of the ad. Ads scheduled after deadline will be charged a late fee of 25% of the total cost of the ad.